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botantical tea to repel pests

Botanical Tea to Repel Pests

…to be the kinds of plants that are dynamic accumulators. What are dynamic accumulators? As the name implies, dynamic accumulators are the kinds of plants that gather nutrients from the…

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growing potatoes organically-min

Growing Potatoes

…you can use a good garden soil, combined with homemade compost. A couple handfuls of your favorite organic fertilizer can make an excellent addition, as well. Growing Potatoes in Open

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how do you grow mushrooms at home

How Do You Grow Mushrooms At Home?

…technological advances in DNA sequencing have shown researchers that, genetically speaking, fungi actually have more in common with animals than they do with plants!  For example, unlike photosynthetic plants, fungi…

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enrich your soil

How to Enrich Your Soil Organically

…plant material, charcoal, alkaline soil and materials with a very high nitrogen count. Materials that are good for the compost pile include dry plant and green plant materials, paper bags,…

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harvesting squash

Growing Squash

companion plants will share space well, or if they may contribute to the crowding issues already present. For instance, crops which grow vertically are excellent companions for squash plants as…

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making herbal cannabis salve

How to Make Herbal Cannabis Salves

… Note: Always be mindful of where your essential oils are sourced from. It is best to find USDA organic essential oils where possible, otherwise, commercial or standardized grade. Choosing…

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What are the benefits of CBD?

communicates with the rest of our body via cytokines. Whenever anyone of these systems or elements is thrown out of balance, we will inevitably begin to experience symptoms of illness….

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