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enrich your soil

How to Enrich Your Soil Organically

…white paper, cardboard, straw, dead flowers, weeds, peels, husks and other organic kitchen waste. Mulch Mulch is material that is spread over the ground to cover it. Moreover, mulch does…

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growing tarragon

Growing Tarragon

…seeds. But that’s no reason to stay away from this French favorite, as tarragon is delicious when cooked with eggs, poultry, fish, and cheese. Once you start incorporating this peppery,…

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growing carrots

Growing Carrots

Companion Planting and Rotation Considerations Carrots grow well with a wide variety of species. Beans, onions, lettuce, peppers, peas, tomatoes and radishes are all healthy companion plants. Planting chives next to carrots can even lead to faster…

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using gypsum


…and for preventing blossom end rot from taking out your harvest of watermelon and tomatoes. Shop Supplements for Your Garden [products limit=”4″ columns=”4″ orderby=”popularity” skus=”KB100, JWA100, IFF999, AFP999″] Does Gypsum

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What are GMO’s

…laboratory process. In plain words, scientists force the genes from one organisms’ DNA into the genes of another organism’s’ DNA. Additionally, this DNA can come from either a plant, animal…

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Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms

Guide to Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms (BIM)

…biodegradation, bioleaching, bio-composting, nitrogen fixation, improving soil fertility and as well in the production of plant growth hormones.” Solutions containing Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms (often abbreviated BIM or IMO) help you…

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growing okras

Growing Okras

…and some common varieties are ‘Cajun Delight‘, ‘Baby Bubba‘ and ‘Annie Oakley‘. Main-season okra varieties: these varieties grow best in climates with long, hot summers and are perfect for pickling…

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Do It Yourself Projects

DIY Guides

comes to gardening, compost tea can truly be your best friend. So what is compost tea? Well in short, it is the utilization of water, oxygen, compost and… Read More…

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